Hobart Rivulet Platypus

Is your legacy that you lived and enjoyed nature, or lived and cared for nature? 

Is your legacy that you lived and enjoyed nature, or lived and cared for nature? 

Dedicated to the conservation and protection of Hobart Rivulet platypuses (minanyi kitina larila)

The Hobart Rivulet contains a very important platypus population – believed to be the closest in occurrence to any major CBD in Australia – but one that is faced with considerable survival issues given that it is a small catchment which is subject to a wide range of urban pressures.

@hobartrivuletplatypus actions to protect and conserve Hobart’s urban platypus population include:

  • Ongoing monitoring of Hobart Rivulet platypuses
  • Providing a rescue service for platypuses entangled in looped litter
  • Ongoing monitoring of pollution entering the Hobart Rivulet especially from the city tip
  • Removing litter from the Hobart Rivulet after flood events
  • Running ongoing awareness and education programs via social media campaigns, public art, community information sessions, school visits and film projects
  • Working with local council, the Australian Platypus Conservancy, EPA and DPIPWE on platypus, waterway and pollution related issues
  • Partnering with like minded organizations to assist in national platypus campaigns
  • Ongoing monitoring of works in and near the Hobart Rivulet to ensure best practices are being followed
  • Revegetating key sections of the Hobart Rivulet
  • Water bug testing


@hobartrivuletplatypus was founded on October 5th, 2020 by Pete Walsh.  Get in touch with @hobartrivuletplatypus

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Would you like to make a donation? 100% goes towards helping protect and conserve Hobart's urban platypus population.

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