Is your legacy that you lived and enjoyed nature, or lived and cared for nature? 

Is your legacy that you lived and enjoyed nature, or lived and cared for nature? 

“Heart warming, heart-wrenching and ultimately hopeful”
The response to The Platypus Guardian has been overwhelming. Thank you everyone!

What’s the documentary about you ask? The magical world of the platypus of course, with some human ingredients added to the mix.

The Platypus Guardian (produced by Wildbear Entertainment) is a docu-fiction based on the true story of Pete Walsh AKA @hobartrivuletplatypus – me… weirdly! According to the promo blurb:

Pete is a Hobart local who enjoys the outdoor life. That life, however, is turned upside down when his health takes a turn for the worse. As he contemplates his future, Pete finds solace along the banks of the picturesque Hobart rivulet.

Here Pete ‘meets’ a platypus he names Zoom, after the way she seems to zoom over to him whenever he sits quietly by the water. Pete helps Zoom untangle from a plastic band. For Pete the convergence of his medical condition and his encounters with this cheeky female platypus, leads to an epiphany. Suddenly he is overwhelmed with a profound inspiration to give back, to save what urban habitat the platypuses have left and ultimately save them too.

Read what people are saying about The Platypus Guardian.

Meet the #ThePlatypusGuardian crew

Left to right: Natasha, Fraser, Pete, Daniel, Anna, Chadden, Finn and Nick.

Photo taken at the preview screening AKA ‘World Premiere’ of The Platypus Guardian at the State Cinema, Hobart on June 1st, 2023.

Do you live outside of Australia but would like to watch The Platypus Guardian? It premiered on PBS Nature (USA)  October 18, 2023, and has since aired in Europe and Asia. International viewers can also use a VPN service to access ABC Australia’s iview online streaming service.

Make a Donation

Would you like to make a donation? 100% goes towards helping protect and conserve Hobart's urban platypus population.
