Female platypus (larila), Hobart Rivulet


Looped litter: Twine loop
Outcome: Death

A local photographer noticed a platypus with something around its neck. With the assistance of the community the platypus was located. Due to its injuries it was taken into care at Bonorong.

Despite initial optimism, the injuries cause by the loop of twine around larila’s body would lead to her death.

It was at this point we decided a far more proactive approach was required when it comes to looped litter in our waterways.

The entanglement and subsequent death of larila occurred during the filming of The Platypus Guardian.

Learn more about Larila’s Legacy

Spotted a platypus entangled in rubbish? 

Contact us ASAP on Messenger (@hobartrivuletplatypus), or SMS 0434 418 671. Please include:

  • Date 
  • Time
  • Location
  • Notes e.g. direction platypus was traveling in
  • Video or photo that clearly shows the entanglement

Make a Donation

Be a part of conserving Hobart's unique urban platypus population. Every donation makes a difference!
