Male platypus (Lil Mac), Hobart Rivulet


Looped litter: Hair band
Outcome: Immediate Release

My heart sank when I first saw Lil Mac with something around its neck. I had observed his mother throughout nesting, and been a part of Lil Mac’s world since the first day he emerged from the burrow. 

Juvenile platypus must find a territory to call their own. In the case of Lil Mac he ventured downstream until he found a vacant stretch of waterway – for better or worse directly below the stormwater outfall where the city tip empties into the Hobart Rivulet.

It’s bittersweet, to assist a platypus then release them back into the same polluted environment. The one upside in this case, was that I knew the loop had only been around his body for a day.

Spotted a platypus entangled in rubbish? 

Contact us ASAP on Messenger (@hobartrivuletplatypus), or SMS 0434 418 671. Please include:

  • Date 
  • Time
  • Location
  • Notes e.g. direction platypus was traveling in
  • Video or photo that clearly shows the entanglement

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