Female platypus, Kermandie River


Looped litter: Fishing net
Outcome: Immediate release

Campers along the Kermandie River in Geeveston spotted a platypus entangled in discarded fishing net and raised the alarm. With help on the way, the campers were able to keep watch on the entangled platypus. Following a delicate capture, the fishing line was carefully removed. Fortunately in this instance the injuries were minor, and the platypus was released back into the waterway.

Spotted a platypus entangled in rubbish? 

Contact us ASAP on Messenger (@hobartrivuletplatypus), or SMS 0434 418 671. Please include:

  • Date 
  • Time
  • Location
  • Notes e.g. direction platypus was traveling in
  • Video or photo that clearly shows the entanglement

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