Platypus Rescues and Entanglements
Platypus Rescues and Entanglements

The unacceptable impact of litter on platypuses

Our mission is to provide swift and effective assistance to platypus entangled in looped litter within the Hobart Rivulet. Recognizing the severe injuries these entanglements cause, we are committed to rapid intervention, while also striving to minimize stress during capture and handling.

What is looped litter?

Examples of looped litter include elastic hair ties, rubber bands, knotted loops of twine, fishing net, fishing line, plastic cable ties, rubber jar seals, wrist bands, plastic circular offcuts e.g. PVC, tamper-proof plastic seals.

Why does it pose a deadly threat to platypus?

Platypus primarily feed on insects at the bottom of rivers and streams. It is here they often encounter discarded rubbish, particularly looped litter.

Platypuses forage with their eyes closed, relying on electroreceptors in their bill to locate prey. They may unknowingly swim right into looped litter, like an underwater noose. Once entangled, it becomes incredibly difficult for them to escape.

This is because their front feet, while perfectly designed for swimming and digging, are not equipped to remove such entanglements. Their hind feet, designed for grooming fur front to back, can actually worsen the situation. When trying to remove the looped litter the platypus may claw at it, inadvertently tightening the loop and causing it to cut deeper into their skin. These injuries can lead to infections, restricted movement, an inability to forage, and ultimately, death.

Basically, any rigid or flexible loop of litter can cause life-threatening injuries to platypus.  

What can I do?

Rapid identification and assistance are key to a good outcome! If you see a platypus entangled in looped litter, please contact us ASAP on Messenger (@hobartrivuletplatypus) or SMS 0434 418 671. Be sure to include photos or video that show the entanglement.

Spotted a platypus entangled in rubbish? 

Contact us ASAP on messenger (@hobartrivuletplatypus), or SMS 0434 418 671. Please include:

  • Date 
  • Time
  • Location
  • Notes e.g. direction platypus was traveling in
  • Video or photo that clearly shows the entanglement

Platypus Rescues and Entanglements Timeline

Make a Donation

Be a part of conserving Hobart's unique urban platypus population. Every donation makes a difference!
